Autumn Rain, Guns N' Roses, and Sinking Boats in Indiana Water
It’s the type of rain that makes your feet ache and your heart focus on all that you are missing. This is the 8 th straight day of rain and I am feeling tired. I used to believe that weather had no hold on me, that even in the coldest or most depressing of weather days, I could shine like a rainbow and pretend that I glided through the day on a magical unicorn. Not anymore. In reality, as a writer, I should love this contemplative weather. The pause in beauty gives me time to regroup, gather my thoughts, and contemplate my past and present. But, I am leaving out one key factor here, weather like this makes me lazy and sad. In fact, weather like this makes me want to drink coffee in bed, eat a large amount of raspberry danish while wearing my pajamas, and sleep until 4 pm. Then, get up, eat some potato chips, drink some wine out of a coffee mug, and fall back asleep. The "Cycle of Healing," is what I call it. When it rains during Oc...