Day 19: No Hands (Throwback Thursday)
No Hands On the way back from the library, I see him in my rearview mirror. A red windbreaker, white hair, and faded jeans slowly move towards me. The man sits upright on a ten speed, two triumphant arms in the air. Like a child, he continues to bike past Dougherty Street and down the hill towards Lake Tomahawk. I watch his achievement until he bikes out of sight. I am the only witness to this small act. On the way back to school, I drive towards the park, hoping to see the biker again, but he is gone. Probably off to do some other trick of life. I pull into the parking lot at school, walk into the classroom, and sit on the floor next to a student who is nine. “I saw the coolest thing on my break today,” I tell her. Her eyes light up, sure that I have a magical story to tell. Something with punch, but I only have a lesson learned. “I saw an older gentleman ride his bike today with no ha...